It is through the void that one enters a sculpture by Sara Favriau. An incision into a chunk of plaster that plays with positive and negative space guides us and makes us enter into the white matter which occupies the space. Form gets extracted, collected, accumulated, and constructed. First abstract, it slowly advances, like a quiet little melody that gradually makes itself heard. Slowly, a maze of signs leaves paper in three-dimensional meanders, which are ornamental in their motif. It gives the time required to appreciate the lengthy title, which in no way lessens its romanticism: “The ocean’s swell occurred while crashing against the hull, like a tempest striking a tin plate, and I sabred the foam.” (la houle se déroulant au fracas de la coque, semblant une tempête à saper la tôle, je sabrais l’écume). With Sara Favriau, gradual conversions take us from a marble cube to a swimming pool, from plastic casing to low relief, from a mark to an imprint, and beyond.