Maren Ruben
Adrien Couvrat
Erik Nussbicker
Agnès Geoffray
Maren Ruben
Maren Ruben
Maren Ruben
Sara Favriau
Atsunobu Kohira
Olivier Leroi
Damir Očko
Nathalie Talec
Olivier Leroi
Erik Nussbicker
Agnès Geoffray
Maren Ruben
Maren Ruben et Adrien Couvrat
Erik Nussbicker and Olivier Leroi
The title of the new collective exhibition at Maubert Gallery directly refers to a sentence by Matisse concerning the hands of dancers: the artist encourages us to focus our gaze on what, for him, finalizes the movement, sublimates the body even in the freedom of its extremities. The hands, like two birds - a comparison often used by Matisse, especially while switching to cut papers, without weight or borders - carry the overall movement, surrounding it with rich signs and "ornaments" which, meanwhile, protect this body and allow it to express itself, to communicate with exterior. For some animals (birds), this is the role of feathers. These great luxurious “endings” offered by Mother Nature had already been the object of interests of craftsmen, designers, artists ... The feathers, isolated or accumulated, real or represented, with many symbols carried by them, are the subject of this collective exhibition.
Florent Maubert